The Feast of St. Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, is celebrated each year on March 19th. “St. Joseph’s Table” is a commemoration of how prayers to St. Joseph in Italy during the middle-ages helped Italians, suffering from a terrible drought, prayed to St. Joseph for water. It rained and the crops were saved. In his honor, a celebration began on his feast day, which is also known as Father’s Day in Italy. A 3-tiered altar (representing the Trinity) is set up to honor Joseph and decorated with fruit, flowers, candles, sweets and special baked breads. The simple meal is primarily soup and pasta and was held in homes. This year Holy Family will be honoring him at our second St. Joseph Table… ALL are welcome. Mass will be on Wednesday, March 19th at 6:30 pm followed by a dinner of soup and pasta at 7:30 pm in the Community Center prepared by the event committee.
Those attending are invited to bring a meatless pot-luck dish (A-L Salads and M-Z Desserts). Please RSVP by March 15 using this link: and list how many from your family are coming and what you are bringing.
It is also tradition to wear red clothing and money collected is donated to give to the poor. Your monetary donations in the baskets provided will be given to Holy Family’s St. Vincent de Paul.
In honor of St. Joseph, we ask that you bring your statue of St. Joseph to be placed on a special table at Mass for a blessing. Also, special blessed candles will be available for sale at $2.00 each.